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Avis de décès

Chaque vie est une histoire

Mme Ghislaine Routhier

Sherbrooke, 18 février 2022

Ghislaine Routhier Suitor, known to all as “Gigi”, peacefully passed away at the age of 84 on Friday, February
18, 2022, to be with her beloved husband Ashley Suitor, lovingly known as Hubby.

Gigi was born in Coaticook and grew up in Sherbrooke. Soon after marriage, Gigi and her family moved to Montreal for 30 years. She and Ashley returned to their hometown of Sherbrooke to enjoy retirement. Gigi loved to play golf, tennis and sing in the choir at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church.

Gigi was a dedicated wife and mother fi rst. She treasured her children Linda and Sondra Suitor and embraced every moment with them. She especially loved her role as Nana to Cody, Amanda and Colin Choquette, children of Linda, and to Davis and Cole Himmer sons of Sondra.

Gigi had a vibrant personality, loved fashion, her smile would welcome everyone as she called you Honey.

Friends wishing to honor Gigi are invited to make a donation in her name to the Wales Home Foundation, 506 Route 243 North, Cleveland, QC, J0B 2H0, who provided extraordinary and loving care to her for 9 years

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