Dr Jim (James E.) Napier
Sherbrooke, 23 Décembre 2023
Jim lived a full life and pursued his passions. Born and raised in California, proud graduate of San Jose State University, he came to Canada to study philosophy at the University of Waterloo. Proud alumni of Waterloo, Jim pursued a teaching career. After a cold, short, yet memorable stint at the Cégep in Gaspé, Jim was asked to establish the Humanities program at Champlain-Lennoxville campus when it opened in 1972. Being part of the Humanities department allowed Jim to explore a myriad of topics which he built into courses, from urban planning to crime fiction writing, art appreciation to sustainable development, and biomedical ethics to arts and society. Jim carefully crafted his courses so that they would actively engage the students to learn, work together, and partake in activities that shaped them into exploring, knowing, and evolving members of our society.
Jim was generous with his time, ideas, and actions. When Jim was not on one of many college committees solving issues so as to better the college experience for his students or colleagues, Jim was organizing and leading the annual trips to Ottawa’s National Gallery and to New York, thereby enriching student learning and their life experience. In loving memory of his close friend, golfing buddy, and colleague, Jim initiated in 2003 the idea that led to the raising of funds for what would become the Ken Madokoro Fine Arts Award, given annually to a Fine Arts student at Champlain-Lennoxville.
Early 2004, Jim retired to pursue his crime fiction writing. Author of the Colin McDermott series in Legacy (2017) and Ridley’s War (2020), Jim was writing his third novel and looking forward to publishing it in 2024. Praised by well-known novelists, both books were widely appreciated by the readers. Unapologetic Anglophile, Jim immersed himself into the topics and ideas that populated his fiction. Travels to the U.K., especially London, Oxford, and Yorkshire, were a must. Jim experienced British life during extended stays, exploring local history and traditions without missing an opportunity to visit a pub for its atmosphere, local fare, and a pint.
Jim also reviewed crime fiction, thus helping fellow writers worldwide in gaining popularity amongst readers. He wrote more than 600 reviews in The Record over many years, then on several dedicated web sites, including his own, Deadly Diversions.
Jim loved ideas and learning. When he was not reading or writing or partaking in one of his many favourite activities, he would enjoy conversations and engage in thoughtful yet humorous exchanges, and if you knew Jim, you knew that a pun or two were soon to be heard. Jim always took the time to learn and share with family and friends. Jim shared the last twenty years of his life with his wife Roya and their Welsh terriers, Whisky (d. 2019) and now Ginger. Family was at the heart of Jim’s life. He was a beloved son, father, husband, grandfather.
Jim Napier died peacefully surrounded by loved ones on 23 December 2023 in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Jim leaves to mourn his wife Roya Abouzia and their dog Ginger, his daughters Kathryn Napier (Maxime Dore) and Meredith Napier Favreau (Matthew Favreau), his grandchildren Samuel and Jillian Dore, and his mother-in-law Marie-Thérèse Abouzia (late M. Khosro Abouzia), and his longtime close friends and fellow crime writers.
Jim had a life enriched by many circles of friends and acquaintances, so if you knew Jim as a teacher, author, colleague, or friend, the family invites you to share your story of how you knew Jim and what you appreciated in knowing him, by leaving your message here. Your words will be comforting, supportive and healing. The burial at Malvern Cemetery will be an private family moment. A celebration of life in Lennoxville will be announced at a later date.
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Malgré notre absence, toutes nos pensées vous accompagnentpour vous réconforter en ces temps difficiles.
7 février 2025
My condolences
Hello Roya,It was with real sadness that I learned of Jim's passing. He had an impact on Ken's life with their close friendship and passion for golf. He was also responsible as noted, in creating the art auction to raise funds for what became the Ken Madokoro scholarship fund...something that endures to this day. Such a legacy! May you be well as you find your way forward, Ann
Ann Rothfels
25 avril 2024
Elizabeth Rutledge
Dear Roya,We are so saddened to hear of Jim’s passing.
We all enjoyed chatting with him and found him to be a lovely, kind man with a gentle sense of humour.
We extend our sincere condolences to you.
With affection,
Elizabeth Rutledge and Robin McNeill
Elizabeth Rutledge
21 janvier 2024
Condolences message from former Champlain student
Dear Roya and family,I would like to extend my sincere condolences to all those who are left behind by Jim's passing. I had the privilege of being Jim's student at Champlain Lennoxville and he definitely had a positive impact in my academic path. I am still not sure why, but Jim saw something in me that gave me the confidence to continue studying what I liked as opposed to making decisions based on choosing a career. I will always remember (and still tell this anecdote to people) that on the day I presented my Integrative paper, he approached my parents and told them that they should not worry if I decide to study philosophy. What could have sounded like a note in passing really made a difference in the support I felt. His words are still precious to me today.
Now a teacher at Champlain in the same program Jim taught, I feel proud to try to continue a tradition that he imparted to me. When preparing courses, I still think about the humorous way in which he taught his philosophy courses. I remember clearly they way in which he would 'kill' students in many Hobbesian scenarios, thus making the material lively and easily memorized (especially for the ones who were his constant targets! haha!). I hope to continue, in my own humble and small way, to honor his legacy at Champlain.
I know no words can heal the hurt that his departure causes, but please know that I am thinking about Jim and Roya often during this difficult time.
With gratitude to Jim,
Brigitte Robert
19 janvier 2024
Roya,Please accept my sincerest condolences on behalf of the students and staff at Heritage College.
I am deeply sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. If there's anything I can do to support you, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Terry Kharyati
17 janvier 2024
Sincères condoléances
Bonjour Roya,J'ai appris cette triste nouvelle hier. Je tenais à vous transmettre mes plus sincères et chaleureuses condoléances à vous et vos proches.
Louis Lacroix
17 janvier 2024
Tribute for Jim Napier - 10 January 2024 - Bruce Redwine
Dear Roya, my deep condolences. If I may, here’s a tribute for Jim.Old friends are best. I first met Jim when we both attended Theodore Roosevelt Junior High School in San José, California. That was September of 1957. We went through high school together, and afterwards we attended San José State College.
Jim excelled in his studies at the college, finished with a distinguished B.A. in
philosophy, and followed that with a Ph.D. in philosophy at the University of Waterloo, Ontario. Philosophy has to be the oldest, wisest, and most honorable of intellectual pursuits. He introduced me to his thesis advisor, Professor Herman Shapiro, one of my heroes at the college.
Jim would later become my source for anything to do with philosophy. He was one of my models—he led a life of the mind—always hardworking and dedicated in whichever profession he undertook: teaching or writing. He was very methodical in his approach to both philosophy and writing. I marveled at how he could plot out his novels in advance and in great detail. The exact opposite of my method. But that didn’t stop us from exchanging our opinions. Jim was always open-minded and receptive to new ideas.
He had other interests, art and single-malt Scotch being two of them. When you were living in Gatineau, he took us to the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa—another memorable occasion—and I was impressed with his knowledge of Canadian art. As to single-malt Scotch, that required no astute explanation. I primarily think of Jim as a philosopher and a writer of
crime fiction.
I went on to do other things and didn’t see him again for over fifty years. As was typical of Jim, he initiated the reunion and went far out of his way to make it possible. He drove down to Boston and took my wife and me back to your home in Sherbrooke, Quebec, where we spent a memorable time together with the two of you.
Nothing about Jim had changed. He was older, of course, but he was still the same kind, generous, and lively person. Self-mockery was another of his virtues or call it an ample supply of self-deprecation. When we met again, he started making his bad puns. He was incorrigible.
We drove past the cemetery in Sherbrooke. “He found the perfect plot,” Jim said of a writer and his gravestone. Then I knew he was the same old Jim. He always loved to play with language. That was the devil in him.
Jim had many things to be proud of on a personal level—you, his children, and his friendships. I see no difference between Jim the husband and friend and Jim the philosopher, teacher, and writer. He succeeded in all aspects of his life. And I’m sure his seven thousand students, those whom he taught for over forty years, also remember him with great fondness. They were lucky to have him as a teacher.
Jim’s first novel of crime fiction—Legacy (2017)—is subtitled, Sometimes good
intentions aren’t enough. I must disagree with him on this subject. The subtitle is wrong or problematical, if you look closely at it—determining intentions being a good legal and philosophical problem. The claim is another bit of self-irony, which he was surely too modest to admit or recognize. “Such a crime,” I can hear him saying and making another one of his bad puns, were he fully aware of the implications. In Jim’s case, good intentions were definitely enough—absolutely—and he did his best to live up to them. Read his novels or have the
privilege to have known him and you will have to agree. Jim’s death is a tremendous loss to all those who knew him. I feel the loss of my old friend strongly and deeply.
Bruce Redwine
16 janvier 2024
Expression de mes sympathies
Roya,nous travaillons ensemble sur le CA de la SPEC, je ne te connais pas beaucoup mais je tenais à t'exprimer mes sincères sympathies en regard du départ de ton conjoint et de la période difficile que tu vis présentement.
Mes pensée sont avec toi, je t'envoie plein de tendresse.
Annie Surprenant
Annie Surprenant
13 janvier 2024
Message de condoléances
Bonjour à tous les proches de M. Napier, et en particulier à Roya Abouza, avec qui je travaille. Je vous offre mes sincères condoléances et vous souhaite beaucoup de courage et de paix pour traverser cette épreuve.Jacques Audet (Département des lettres, Cégep Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu)
Jacques Audet
11 janvier 2024
Sylvie Gendron
Chère Madame Abouzia,Je tiens à vous offrir aujourd'hui mes plus sincères condoléances et à vous souhaiter toute la force d'âme nécessaire pour vivre, avec courage et patience, cette profonde épreuve. Toutes mes condoléances aussi à votre famille.
Sylvie Gendron
Sylvie Gendron
10 janvier 2024
Isabelle Savard
Mes sincères et chaleureuses condolénces à Roya, aux membres de la famille Napier et ami.es de Jim. Que ses nombreux legs, autant sur le plan humain que littéraires, vous réconfortent dans cette épreuve et contribuent à enraciner dans votre coeur, de doux souvenirs. Prenez soin de vous dans cette épreuve.Isabelle Savard
9 janvier 2024
Manon Desmarais
Bonjour Roya,Mes pensées sont tournées vers vous et votre famille, je vous offre mes plus sincères condoléances.
Manon Desmarais
Manon Desmarais
9 janvier 2024
De tout coeur avec toi xx
Bonjour Roya,Je suis chagriné d'apprendre le décès de Jim. Je suis de tout coeur avec toi. Reçois mes condoléances les plus sincères.
Alain Paradis
9 janvier 2024
Message de condoléances
Bonjour Roya,Je tiens à vous souhaiter à vous, et à votre famille, mes plus sincères condoléances à la suite du décès de votre époux. Je vous souhaite d’être bien entourée et de vivre ce deuil le plus sereinement possible. Prenez bien soin de vous. Amicalement.
Duret Stéphanie
9 janvier 2024
My utmost sincere condolences
This is with a heavy heart that I learnt about the passing of Dr. Napier. My thoughts and prayers go to Mme Abouzia and her beloved ones. May all the laughs, shared and cherished memories support you through this difficult time. May they also allow you to still celebrate Dr. Napier's life.Sincerely ,
Fabienne V.
Fabienne Vozy
9 janvier 2024
My Sncere Condolences
Dear Roya and Family,I was very sorry to learn that Jim had passed away.
I first encountered him many years ago when I attended a few meetings of the "Whisky Club" at Champlain. These events were memorable not only because of the fine samples that we savoured, but also because of the conversations on many topics. Jim reminded me recently that these exchanges were elevated by the simple rule of no discussion of in-house matters.
We share an interest in detective fiction, which I discovered when reading his book reviews in The Record. Before hist first novel (Legacy") appeared, I was pleased to make some observations about the almost final version of the manuscript, particularly to see if I had any comments about his depictions of life in the UK. We had a most enjoyable discussion about that.
I also reviewed an early draft of his second novel "Ridley's War". As with the first book, I thoroughly enjoyed the story and tried to make comments that would be helpful. Jim was completely open to any critical observations and I had fun discussing these with him.
The last time I met Jim was in the fall of 2023. He told me that the writing for his third novel was going well. I enjoyed his account of his writing process - how he assembled and classified ideas, storing them in ways that he could access when including them in the narrative. I admired his dedication to this labour of love, especially because he had to adapt to problems with his eyesight.
I have focused here on our mutual interest in crime fiction, but I also remember fondly our conversations on other topics such as American (and Canadian) football, life in the UK, and teaching. Having taught at Bishop's for many years using what I would call the standard lecture method and grading procedures, I listened with some fascination to Jim's approach which was decidedly less traditional than mine. I think I would have enjoyed the challenge of his classes.
I feel privileged to have known Jim, who touched me in many ways.
Once again, I offer you my condolences.
Stuart McKelvie
Stuart McKelvie
9 janvier 2024
Chère Roya,Je présente à vous et à votre famille mes plus sincères condoléances.
Véronique Faucher
9 janvier 2024
Mes plus sincères sympathies
Toutes mes sympathies Roya, à vous, ainsi qu’à vos proches.Marie-Christine Héroux
9 janvier 2024
My thoughts are with you
I'm so sorry for your loss. Jim was such a great teacher and colleague, and my career has been richer thanks toc the influence of his generation of cegep teachers. It's hard to believe he's gone, he was so full of glee. I hope that you find solace in the arms of family.Katie Warlund
8 janvier 2024
My thoughts are with you
I'm so sorry for your loss. Jim was such a great teacher and colleague, and my career has been richer thanks toc the influence of his generation of cegep teachers. It's hard to believe he's gone, he was so full of glee. I hope that you find solace in the arms of family.Katie Warlund
8 janvier 2024
Chère Roya,C'est lorsque que nous avons tant à dire que les mots nous échappent...
Une pensée bien sincère à toi Roya ainsi qu'à chacune des personnes touchées par départ.
Chantal Parent
5 janvier 2024
My Condolences
Dear Roya,So sorry to hear of Jim's passing. Although our paths crossed occasionally when he visited the College (with the pup in tow :), I do believe he had me laughing each time. Such a witty sense of humour!
My sincere condolences to you and your family.
Patty Arnold
5 janvier 2024
Sue Meesen
Dear Roya,I am so sorry for your devasting loss. You are in all of our thoughts here at Champlain. Sending you strength and love during this difficult time.
Sue Meesen
5 janvier 2024
Stephane Auger
Malgré notre absence, toutes nos pensées vous accompagnentpour vous réconforter en ces temps difficiles.
Stephane Auger
5 janvier 2024
So sorry to hear
Dear Roya,I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I hope that you are okay. My thoughts are with you right now. My sincere condolences.
Natasha Stobert
4 janvier 2024
Robert Y. Cousineau
Toutes mes condoléances Roya.En espérant que l'année 2024 sera une de santé, de souvenirs, de réflexion.
Prends soins.
Robert Y. Cousineau
4 janvier 2024
Deepest Sympathies
Dear Roya, my deepest sympathies to you and your family as you mourn the loss of Jim. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.Kelly McMahon
4 janvier 2024
Subject: Deepest sympathies to Roya and family
Hello Roya,My deepest sympathies to you and your family. I am so sorry for your loss. Jim was a gentleman with a great sense of humor. I had the pleasure to chat with him over the years, when he would stopped by the College to pick-you up from work. During these conversations, I could tell how proud he was of you and his family.
Please know that my thoughts are with you and your family during this very difficult time.
Michèle Charlebois
4 janvier 2024
My sincere condolences
My sincere condolences to Roya and the rest of Jim’s family. I remember meeting Jim at his and Rita’s house for a get-together Roya had organized for a small group of students. I remember Jim being very witty. He talked to us about some of the books that he needed to review. The DaVinci Code had recently come out and he did not care if it was the bestseller of the moment. He thought the bad writing made it a pile of crap. 😂 18-year-old me loved it! Ever since, when I read a book, I ask myself “Ok so the idea of the story is good, but how is the actual writing?” Short moment but big impact.Aryane Beaudoin
2 janvier 2024
My condolences
My sincere condolences to Roya, Kathryn, Meredith, and Jim's extended family for your great loss.When I first met Jim, it was as though we had known each other for years. He put me at ease in a way that few people do, and it was a joy to be with him. He was one of those rare people that can be honestly described as one of life's good guys; warm, compassionate, smart, and blessed with a devilish sense of humor.
I'll miss him.
Peter Kirby
2 janvier 2024
My sympathies all his family
Mr. Napier was my teacher of biomedical ethics and one of my favorite classes. You could feel how much passion he had for the subject and made it so easy for us to be drawn in. I think about this class often; he certainly left a positive imprint on my life.I'm so very sorry for your loss ❤️
Melanie Shufelt
2 janvier 2024
Deborah Valdez
Dearest Roya,Deeply saddened to hear of your loss.
Words are at a complete loss.
My sincerest condolences to you and your family.
Deborah Valdez
1 janvier 2024
Remembering Jim
I met Jim through colleagues at Champlain, and got to know him during Whisky Society gatherings, along with co-conspirators James Wilson and Vince Cuddihy, sadly both having since passed, and eventually over occasional breakfast outings with these same folks.He was an erudite and entertaining guy to share anecdotes and stories with.
I only saw him once again at his home, after he and Roya moved back to Sherbrooke. I had it in mind to see him over the next few months, and I was looking forward to reading his upcoming third mystery novel.
Such a sudden and unexpected announcement leaves me struggling with the surreal realization that I’ll never see or hear from him again.
His relaxed welcoming demeanour, cheerful voice, and wry sense of humour will be missed by those who knew him.
How sad that his own narrative had to end now.
My thoughts and sympathies go to Roya and family during this unsettling time.
Kevin McKenna
Kevin McKenna
1 janvier 2024
Judy Penz Sheluk
I did not have the opportunity to meet Jim in person, but he was kind enough to review one of my books early on in my author career and he was most generous in his praise. Later, I was able to review his first novel. I didn't know him, not really, but I do know he made a huge difference in the lives of many authors. He will be missed and remembered.Judy Penz Sheluk
1 janvier 2024
Zoë Constantinides
This is such a sad loss. Jim was unerringly kind and generous, sharing his curiosity and joie de vivre with all those around him. What a gift. I'm so grateful I knew him through Whisky Society and shared friends and colleagues from Champlain. My deep condolences to Roya and the family.Zoë Constantinides
30 Décembre 2023
Robert Landori-Hoffmann
I liked Jim very much and am deeply saddened by his passing. He reviewed a couple of my books skillfully and objectively. It was fun to work with him always. May he rest in peace.Robert Landori
Robert Landori-Hoffmann
30 Décembre 2023
For the family of Jim Napier
I’m terribly sorry to hear that Jim passed away. I knew him through Canadian crime writing circles and was fortunate to have him review my books with consideration and skill. My deepest condolences to his family.Howard Shrier
30 Décembre 2023
Norma Husk
Dear Roya,My heart goes out to you and the family in this painful time. Jim’s great smile is strong in my memories of him. Your strength, Roya, will be a great asset, as I hope that these messages are, in bringing you comfort and healing.
Norma Husk
Norma Husk
30 Décembre 2023
Toutes mes sympathies
Bonjour Roya,My thoughts are with you and your family.
I will always remember Jim through his 'Legacy', a book I truly appreciated reading. I miss him.
Hicham Sabbah
29 Décembre 2023
I became Jim’s colleague in the philosophy department at Champlain in 1975. We quickly developed a very good friendship that has lasted until now. Our offices were always either directly across the hall from or right next door to each other and extended discussion with Jim was part of my daily routine. We shared a basic understanding of what philosophy is and of the importance of teaching students how to reason philosophically on a wide range of issues. We both also saw the need to defend the place of philosophy in the curriculum against those who want to reduce education to job training. However, within this common framework, we adhered to different schools of thought. Jim’s view of the human condition, much different from mine, was heavily influenced by his PhD work on Thomas Hobbes. For philosophers, this divergence of viewpoints is a positive thing. Where there is agreement, there is no room for philosophical debate. In Jim, I always had someone close at hand who was both willing and competent to counter arguments for my beliefs. I don’t recall either of us ever converting the other but our discussions certainly made me a better thinker. Our arguments never dampened but only enhanced our friendship. After we retired from Champlain, we would meet periodically for breakfast and we had frequent exchanges of ideas, information and terrible puns online. I liked Jim a lot and I will miss him. My deepest sympathies to Roya, Kathy and Meredith.Don Atkinson
29 Décembre 2023
Please accept my sincere condolences. Jim was always a lively and inviting character. I enjoyed watching a few Super Bowls in his company (although he always seemed to be rooting for the wrong side). Most importantly, he was a generous and loyal friend to my late father, the true sign of a good man. Rest in peace.David Wilson
29 Décembre 2023
My sincere condolences to his family.
Jim was one of the kindest, soft spoken and witty writer friends I had. Generous with his time, he wrote excellent reviews and helped many authors. I always enjoyed participating in public events with him. He brought a smile to all around him, and good stories to his readers.I will miss him. I'm certain the angels will enjoy his company,
He was appreciated by many.
Michael Kent Foley
29 Décembre 2023
Alack and alas, dear Hamish!
My heart aches at the thought of your (and the world’s) loss. Such a fine man, full of warmth and witticisms (and many, many groaners!), always entertaining, always interesting … always memorable. May he be enjoying his angel’s share of single malts now. Slàinte Mhath!Elvina Koay
28 Décembre 2023
A huge loss
With Jim’s passing, we have lost a fine gentleman, a kind and generous man, an unwavering supporter of writers, and the Canadian crime writing community. Jim was never too busy to have a chat or lend his support. My condolences to his family and friends, which I am quite certain there are a great many.Anthony Bidulka
28 Décembre 2023
You'll be missed
David and I were quite saddened to hear about Jim's passing. I first met him at a Crime Writers meeting several years ago. We used to have some wonderful conversations. He was a good friend that never hesitated to answer any of my writing related questions, and was always very supportive.Madona Skaff and David Koren
28 Décembre 2023
Your generosity will be remembered.
Our deepest condolences to Roya and to Jim’s family.Jim was a champion of the crime writing community. It’s in this capacity that we knew him. We are so saddened to hear of his passing.
His kindness in reviewing my books for the Record as well as at his Deadly Diversions site meant a great deal to me.
Jim, you will be well remembered by your many friends in this community.
Donna and Alex Carrick
Donna Carrick
28 Décembre 2023
Your words won't be forgotten
Jim,Thanks for your generous contributions to the literary world with DI Colin McDermott and your hundreds of well-considered reviews. Now I see you have a whole other legacy (pun intended) as an educator and beloved family man.
I know how much care you must have put into your third novel already. I had my fingers crossed to create your third book trailer.
I'll raise my mug and my book to you tonight.
Thinking of you and your family,
Melissa Yi
Melissa Yi
28 Décembre 2023
Lis Angus
I am so sorry to hear of Jim’s death. I knew him as a member of Capital Crime Writers, and admired his talents as an author and a book reviewer. He will be missed. My sincerest sympathies to his family.Lis Angus
28 Décembre 2023
My condolences
So sorry to hear of Dr Napier’s passing. I had the opportunity of being a student of his in the 1990’s and very much enjoyed his approachability and sens of humour. My condolences to all of his friends and family.Katina Loiselle
28 Décembre 2023
My Condolences
I am so sorry to hear of Jim's passing. I always enjoyed seeing him at writer's events. He was friendly and encouraging to fellow writers, and I will miss his joyful presence,Elizabeth Hosang
28 Décembre 2023
My condolences
Jim Napier was a colleague at Champlain College for twenty six years. I retired about 4 years before he did. I was completely astounded when I discovered later that he wrote crime stories and novels. He and I shared many years of working at various programs of study at the college. Although we certainly disagreed on some matters, e.g., the existence of the divine, I always appreciated that Jim was forthright in his views and straightforward in his assessments of problems or suggested programs of study. As chairman of the Liberal Arts program for many years, I benefitted greatly for his insights and suggestions. He was a valued member of the faculty. Moreover, when I first came to Lennoxville he was our neighbour across the hall and certainly helped us get our bearings in a town that we loved and lived in for almost 30 years. His early advice and insights often humorous and cutting, helped us to adapt. He lived his life well and many students sharpened their capacity to think under his tutelage. His family can be justly proud of the life he lived.Peter Rahn
28 Décembre 2023
Mike Martin
I am so sorry to hear about Jim's passing. He was a friend and colleague and a fabulous writer and a wonderful mystery reviewer. He will be missed by many, many friends in the mystery and crime writing community.Mike Martin
28 Décembre 2023
I never met Jim but we corresponded many times over my book and Legacy, which I read & sent him notes on and then blurbed. He was a lovely, erudite and generous man, and I am sorry to hear that he has left us. My condolences to all. Eric BrownE R Brown
28 Décembre 2023
Doug Bowker
So very sorry to hear of Jim's passing. I enjoyed his class at Champlain in the early 70ies, thoroughly enjoyed his novels, and was delighted to meet him again and have a visit at an event in Lennoxville earlier this year. My condolences to the family.Doug Bowker
28 Décembre 2023
Claire & John
Absolutely devastated to hear this sad news. I can’t imagine what you are going through, but please know that you are in our thoughts. Wonderful memories of and respect for Jim will be with us always! We will have a wee dram and a bad pun to his memory !!Claire & John
28 Décembre 2023
RIP Dr. Jim Napier
Thank you Annie Duriez and EJ Clark for sharing this sad news.In the early 1980’s I took an Art appreciation course he taught at Champlain College - Lennoxville in the Humanities Department. He brought us on a field trip to the National Art Gallery Of Ottawa. It was a great course, he was a great professor.
It’s at this time I learnt about surrealism… I wrote my term paper on Salvador Dali 🖼️.
God bless Jim Napier. R.I.P
Richard Burelle
28 Décembre 2023
Sandra Allaire
My deepest sympathies Roya to you and your familySandra Allaire
28 Décembre 2023