Frans Knutson
Sherbrooke, 1 Décembre 2023
1975 – 2023
At the Maison Aube Lumière in Sherbrooke, on December 1, 2023, after a four-year illness, and treatment for cancer. He faced the prognosis bravely and was not one to allow the illness or disability to defi ne who he was.
Frans grew up in Waterville and went to Alexander Galt High School. In his twenties, he moved to Montreal, and settled in NDG where he found kindred spirits and put down roots. He worked at Lockheed-Martin for several years, in finance and business operations.
Frans leaves to mourn his parents Jim and Shirley, siblings Sonja, Olaf, Tanja, Lillian, and their families, aunts and uncles, great-aunt Isabel, many cousins, and very close friends.
Funeral service at Elkas Funeral Home, 4230 Bertrand-Fabi, Sherbrooke, on Sunday, December 17. Visitation 11 a.m. Service at 1 p.m. You can view the ceremony live or on replay at https://funeraweb.tv/en/diffusions/83242. Next summer there will be a celebration of his life, in NDG. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery, Waterville at a date to be determined.
Special thanks to the staff of Maison Aube Lumière, who treated him with such kindness and dignity.
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My deepest sympathies
Dear Tanya, Mr. and Mrs. Knutson, and familyI'm stunned by the news of your loss. I hope that in some way, you get relief from the arms of your close family. I'll be thinking of you. Love Katie
Katie Warlund
15 Décembre 2023
My deepest sympathy to your family, especially to Sonja and Tanya, who I’ve been teaching to at high-School level, in Cfd, CollégeFrançois-Delaplace in Waterville.Denis Langlois
11 Décembre 2023
Diane Tremblay Savage
My full sympathies to you Shirley and your family. My heart is with you.Let’s celebrate his life. Love💕
Diane Tremblay Savage
9 Décembre 2023
Mes Condoléances
Mes Condoléances a toute la famille.Eric Melanson
8 Décembre 2023