Mr Vincent Scallon
Tampa , 3 octobre 2022
Vincent SCALLON 1930 – 2022
Age 92, of Tampa, FL, was called back to the Lord on October 3, 2022, and we miss him enormously.
Vincent was born on July 16, 1930, in St. Pierre de Broughton, QC. Predeceased by his parents Felix and Alida Scallon, his brother Vincent Charles, his sister Madeleine (Normand Ryan) and his sister Teresa (Francois Quenec’hdu). Survived, and sorely missed by his loving wife of 43 years, Hildegard Scallon; his children Serge (Marjolaine Gaudet), Lise (Normand Chouinard), Micheline (Luc Cadieux), Andre, Michel (Lise Lefort), Pierre, and Jeffrey (Haley Scallon); his grandchildren and great-grandchildren; his brother Albert, his sister Rita (Raymond St. Cyr predeceased), his sister Jeanne d’Arc (Jacque Seguin predeceased), along with cousins, nieces, nephews and many dear friends.
Vincent lived an exciting, meaningful and rich life, always looking for new ventures and horizons. Vincent graduated with distinction in business and
accounting from College du Sacre-Coeur in Stanstead QC. He started his professional career as an accountant, but his real calling was Commercial
Real Estate. As an international broker he traveled the world, and no deal was too small or too big for him. Vincent will be remembered as a pleasant
and generous person, as well as a tough but fair negotiator that had a lovely personality that put everyone at ease.
Visitation will be held in Sherbrooke at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church on October 22, 2022 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., followed by the funeral service at 10 a.m. He will be buried in the family lot at St. Michel Cemetery in Sherbrooke. Upon the family’s return to Tampa, a memorial service will be held in his honour in Tampa.
Funeral Direction :
4230 Bertrand-Fabi, Sherbrooke QC
PHONE: 819-565-1155
FAX: 819-820
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Sincères condoléances
Sincères condoléances à toute la famille et union de prières pour les funérailles; sa cousine germaine Jeannine Bernard Primeau, Marie et François PrimeauFrançois Primeau
20 octobre 2022