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819 565-1155

Administrative support

During the difficult times that follow a loved one’s death, people can easily feel overwhelmed by the various administrative tasks that must be performed.

Steve L. Elkas funeral homes can offer you peace of mind by helping you throughout the administrative process.

In addition to counselling you and arranging the funeral services, we offer complete administrative support services encompassing all of the required technicalities :

  • Write and translate the person’s obituary;
  • Make arrangements to have the obituary published in the papers of your choice;
  • Help you to find a florist and a caterer that meet your needs;
  • Pay for all the services that you have chosen (florist, caterer, church, parish hall) so that you will not have to deal with a series of invoices after the funeral;
  • Make the necessary arrangements for the mausoleum, columbarium or cemetery, according to your wishes;
  • Death notifications to:
    • Registrar of Civil Status, Income security
    • CSST, Unemployment insurance, CARRA, RAAQ, IVAC, Veterans Affairs
    • Health insurance card, social insurance card
    • Driver’s license, passport, firearm permits, others
    • GST and QST credits
    • $2,500 death benefit
    • Surviving spouse’s and orphan’s pension requests
    • Others, if needed
  • Research pertaining to wills
  • Settlements (insurance, bank accounts, investments, car, etc.).

Appropriate administrative support can be very helpful when the time comes to settle such matters.

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To pay your last respects and learn about the details of ceremonies and funerals.

See our obituaries